Sunday, 11 October 2009

Camden's third annual parking report - a fair deal for residents?

We would like to have your views on parking following Camden's latest efforts.

Little is more controversial in our area than parking. Conservative campaigners frequently pick up parking issues on the doorsteps.

Andrew Marshall on our sister blog: recomments Camden's Third Annual Parking Report, passed by Camden's Environment Committee this week. It outlines the continuing progress Conservatives on Camden are making on resident -friendly parking policies.

The highlights are as follows:

· Traffic movements in Camden in 2008 were 2.8% up on the previous year, but still 14.6% down on 2001

· Road deaths/seriously injured were 123 in 2008, up from 105 the previous year but noticeably down on 192 in 2003

· Parking tickets have dropped from 463,944 in 2004/5 to 320,304 in 2008/9

· vehicles clamped have reduced from 26,070 in 2004/5 to just SEVEN in 2008/9, following our change of policy

· Car club members have doubled in two years to 4,050, with a target of 6,500 by 2010/11

· On motorcycles in bus lanes Camden is waiting for the results of a TfL study into this before considering whether to introduce in Camden roads, which would need a decision by all inner London boroughs for consistency

· Coming up Conservative Campaigners have more progress on on-street electric charging bays, pay by phone parking, waiting and loading reviews and a rolling programme of review of Controlled Parking Zones in response to residents' views

· Conservatives are pushing for reducing costs in the parking service while continuing to enhance the offer to residents, such as website information and text alerts on suspensions etc

· The surplus income in the parking account has dropped from £21m in 2007/8 to just £14m in 2008/9. This goes to fund the Freedom Pass for older residents and the Taxicard scheme for the disabled, plus highway improvements and safety schemes.

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